Mothers daughters day

Two days ago I happened to be at a mothers & daughters day from the Dutch largest evangelical broadcasting organisation. Very touching to see all these young children pursuing their faith! It dawned on me that these young girls are the torch-bearers of our faith. These young girls, who live in a corrupted world where MTV, RTL (a local TV channel) etc promote that casual sex is really the normal way to go, where drugs are presented as fun and a meaningful means of spending your time on etc, must be caught in the crossfire. The struggle between living in this world and being of this world must be more tought for them than for grown-ups I guess. They have so much more peer pressure, and are so much susceptible to TV’s influence. I pray God will protect their innocence, and He will fire them up to travel this world and spread the Gospel, in word and in deed when they’re older!!

Suing the devil

This movie must be interesting 🙂 It’s called “Suing the Devil” and it’s about a guy suing the devil, and guess what, the devil actually shows up! Supported by the ten best lawyers he actually appears in court. Apparently the movie is Christian-friendly, and actually quite Biblical. It’s probably not going to be scheduled in regular cinemas, but, if I’ve seen it I’ll report here 🙂

Emergent church

I’ve been reading lately on the phenomena ‘the emergent church’. Turns out that, despite its vague definition, I think I fit into that category. Turns out that, there’s quite some criticism out on this emergent church there by the more hardline denominations. I will have to look into that.

And I do apologise I haven’t been posting much lately. Have a lot of private stuff to sort out, most of it not good. So, there ya go.

Oh, I did manage some time to create an Arabian sounding part for my last song for the coming metal extravaganza:

For those who are interested in that sort of thing haha.